TENNESSEE CONTEST GROUP CLUB CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE We the undersigned, wishing to secure for us the pleasures and benefits of an association of persons commonly interested in Amateur Radio contesting, constitute ourselves the TENNESSEE CONTEST GROUP (TCG) and enact this constitution as our governing law. It shall be our purpose to further the exchange of information and cooperation between members, to promote knowledge, fraternalism and individual/team contesting abilities, and to conduct programs and activities to advance the interest of amateur radio contesting. MEMBERSHIP: Article I Eligibility: All persons holding a valid amateur radio license interested in amateur radio contesting are eligible for membership. Membership is open to all licensed amateurs (including out-of-state). Members must keep dues current (paid in January of each calendar year) and fulfill one of the following annual requirements: 1) Contribute to at least one TCG composite score in a sponsored contest. 2) Host a TCG guest operator. 3) Guest-operate at another station (with score credit to TCG) 4) Participate in a multi-operation, (with some score credit to TCG) The score contribution must be submitted to the contest sponsor with credit to TCG. Credit to TCG means including the following line in your submitted log (Cabrillo file:) Club: Tennessee Contest Group We also ask that all scores are reported to the public score reflector at http://3830scores.com. Dues and Club Expenses: Dues are assessed annually at an amount determined by the officers and voted on by the members. Reminders are sent out when membership is about to expire. A valid email address is required to participate in the TCG, as all club business is conducted via email. Costs for annual Tennessee QSO party contest will be paid from the TCG treasury. Some award costs may be offset by occasional sponsorship. OFFICERS: Article II A. The officers of this club shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary B. The officers shall be nominated during the first 22 days of March by all members in good standing. Voting occurs the final week of March, after which officers will be announced. Elected officers serve for a term of one year — March 31 through April 1. C. Vacancies occurring between elections shall be filled by special election at the first opportunity following the withdrawal or resignation. D. Officers may be removed by a three-fourths majority of the voting membership. E. The president may solicit volunteers for special events. DUTIES OF OFFICERS: Article III A. The President shall read the TCG email list, and maintain club organization using the Ham Club Online system and conduct business according to the rules adopted. He/she shall enforce due observance of this constitution; decide all questions of order, and perform all other duties pertaining to the office including oversight of all club business. It shall be the duty of the President to maintain the constitution and have it available on the TCG web site. The President shall note all amendments to the constitution and shall permit it to be consulted by members upon request. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining and disbursing any club funds and shall report to the membership when club funds are expended. Due to the large area served by the TCG, the President may designate assistants to aid in club administration. These assistants serve at the pleasure of the President B. The Vice President shall assume the duties of President in his/her absence. The Vice President shall maintain the membership roll using the Ham Club Online system, assist with correspondence, and assist the President in providing notices of meetings or other events to the membership. The Vice President will do other such duties as determined by the President. Other members may perform any or all of these duties, however the Vice President is responsible for their completion. C. Treasurer shall collect and track dues using the Ham Club Online system and be responsible for reporting and maintaining funds. D. Secretary shall promote contest participation, notify the Group of upcoming hamfests, TCG gatherings, and other events of interest to contesters. Secretary shall assist in other duties as delegated by President and VP. BUSINESS DECISIONS: Article IV Club business shall be conducted on the TCG email reflector or Ham Club Online system. Voting shall consist of three options: Yes, No and Abstain. A minimum of one-fourth of the voting membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. In the event that a quorum is not reached, the President may invoke executive order to conduct club business. Tie votes will be decided by the President. MEMBERSHIP ASSISTANCE: Article V The club will provide technical advice and assistance to members concerning station construction, improvements, and operating practices. AMENDMENTS: Article VI This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of the total voting membership. If the required two thirds of the membership is not met, eligible but non-voting members will be considered to have Abstained and the election will be determined by those who have submitted votes. Proposals for the amendments shall be submitted in writing to the TCG email reflector.