Join TCG or Renew Many ham radio operators world-wide have discovered the thrill of contest-style operating — there’s nothing quite like it! The unique challenges of individual and team competition offer rewards unavailable elsewhere. Like many hams, contesters find that contributing to a team effort brings a lot of fun and satisfaction to the game. We ask you to consider joining your fellow contest operators in the TCG. To qualify as a TCG member, simply operate at least one contest per calendar year and submit your logs with credit to the TCG. We’ll show you how to do this. Of course most TCG members operate several contests per year, but it only takes one operation to qualify for membership. TCG collects an annual $10 dues from its members. Members enjoy voting rights and qualify to run for TCG office. Dues may be paid via PayPal, or by sending a check to the TCG Treasurer, K0EJ. All members have access to the TCG email reflector. The TCG e-mail reflector is where we share tips, report scores, tell stories, and discuss all of the fun, challenge and drama of radio sporting. It is also where we ask questions and share answers. The TCG membership represents a vast knowledge base, with people highly skilled in a number of disciplines. Join the TCG today and learn from some of the best! To join TCG, visit HamClubOnline and click on “Register New” to begin the process. Once you are registered with the Ham Club Online system, enter K4TCG in the club call sign field to join TCG. If you need help with the registration process, email K4RO. To renew TCG membership, login to HamClubOnline with your previously established username/password when you initially signed up for TCG membership. You can use the secured PayPal link in HamClubOnline to renew your annual membership. PayPal will provide a receipt for your transaction via email. To renew TCG membership via the U.S. Postal Service, mail a check to the TCG treasurer (currently K0EJ). You can find the mailing address at